The 4th National Credit Guarantee Committee, Chaired by Hon’ble Finance Minister approved 43 additional projects to the tune of loan amount Nu. 166.80 million. The total loan now stands at Nu. 450.40 million with total number of projects at 126. The Projects now covers 16 Dzongkhags.

Of the 126 Projects, 35 is under Agriculture & Livestock with total loan of Nu. 46.55 million, 62 projects under Production & Manufacturing with total loan of Nu. 294.18 million and the remaining 29 under Service Sector to the tune of loan amount Nu. 109.67 million.

The loan amount sanctioned by the participating banks (Bhutan Development Bank Ltd, National Cottage & Small Industries Development Bank and Bank of Bhutan) stands at Nu. 105.42 million, Nu. 80.22 million and Nu. 264.56 million respectively.