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  • 8th NCGC Updates

    The 8th NCGC held on 21st April 2022 approved 32 more projects for a loan amount of Nu. 200.49 million. Of the 32 projects approved, 18 are in Production & Manufacturing, 13 under Services and 1 under Agriculture & Livestock sectors. 10 Projects has been approved by Bhutan Development Bank, 9 by National CSI Development Bank and 13 by Bank of Bhutan. The total loan approved now stands at Nu. 908.8 million for the total of 219 projects.

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    7th NCGC Updates

    Exactly a year after the first NCGC meeting, the 7th NCGC approved 19 projects for a loan of Nu. 63.95 million. The total projects now stand at 187 with the total loan amounting to Nu. 707.94 million. Of the 19 projects approved, 14 are in Production & Manufacturing, 4 in Services and 1 in Agriculture & Livestock Sectors. The loans for 9 projects have been sanctioned by the Bhutan Development Bank, 6 by the National CSI Development Bank and 4 by the Bank of Bhutan.

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    6th NCGC Updates

    The 6th National Credit Guarantee Committee meeting approved 24 projects on 28th October, 2021 for a loan amount of Nu. 155.91 million. The total project now stands at 169 with the total loan approved of Nu. 649.83 million. Out of the 24 Projects, 5 are under the Agriculture & Livestock, 11 under Production & Manufacturing and the remaining 8 under Service Sector. The loans sanctioned by the participating banks are 6 projects by BDBL, 5 projects by BoB and 13 by NCSIDBL. The Projects now cover 17 Dzongkhags.

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    5th NCGC Updates

    The 5th NCGC meeting held on 25th Aug 2021 approved 23 projects worth Nu. 65.14 million in loans. The total number of projects now stands at 145 with 46 from BDB, 54 from BoB and 45 from NCSIDB. The total amount of loan approved till date stands at Nu. 492.01 millions. The projects cover 16 dzongkhags.
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    4th NCGC Updates

    The 4th National Credit Guarantee Committee, Chaired by Hon’ble Finance Minister approved 43 additional projects to the tune of loan amount Nu. 166.80 million. The total loan now stands at Nu. 450.40 million with total number of projects at 126. The Projects now covers 16 Dzongkhags.

    Of the 126 Projects, 35 is under Agriculture & Livestock with total loan of Nu. 46.55 million, 62 projects under Production & Manufacturing with total loan of Nu. 294.18 million and the remaining 29 under Service Sector to the tune of loan amount Nu. 109.67 million.

    The loan amount sanctioned by the participating banks (Bhutan Development Bank Ltd, National Cottage & Small Industries Development Bank and Bank of Bhutan) stands at Nu. 105.42 million, Nu. 80.22 million and Nu. 264.56 million respectively.

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    3rd NCGC Updates

    With the approval of 39 additional projects during the 3rd National Credit Guarantee Committee Meeting Chaired by Hon’ble Finance Minister, the total project now stands at 81 and covers 15 Dzongkhags. The approved loan amount of the 81 projects stands at Nu. 274.50 million, of which Nu. 52.70m is for Agriculture sector, Nu. 133.42m for Production and Manufacturing sector and Nu. 88.38m for Service sector.

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    2nd NCGC Updates

    The National Credit  Guarantee Committee (NCGC) in its Second Committee meeting chaired by Hon’ble Finance Minister approved 12 Proposals worth Nu. 55.57 million. The total approved projects now stands at 38 and have reached 10 Dzongkhags with an aggregate loan of Nu. 128.1 million. The Sectoral composition of the approved projects are: 13 under Agriculture sector, 16 under Production and Manufacturing sector, and 9 under Service sector

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    Gyalsey’s Fifth Birth Anniversary

    On the auspicious and joyous occasion of the 5th Birth Anniversary of His Royal Highness The Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuk, the National Credit Gurantee Scheme team joins the nation in humbly offering our prayers and sincere wishes for long life, good health and perpetual happiness of our beloved Gyalsey.

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    24 Projects worth Nu. 65.69 million is approved under the National Credit Guarantee Committee, chaired by the Hon’ble Finance Minister during its First Meeting, which was conducted virtually during the lockdown.

    The sectoral Composition of the projects are: 9 under Agriculture sector, 8 under Production and Manufacturing sector, and 7 under Service sector. The approved projects cover 9 Dzongkhags of which, 9 is in Thimphu, 3 each in Punakha, Paro and Dagana, 2 in Sarpang and 1 each in Bumthang, Samdrupjongkhar, Tsirang and Zhemgang.







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    Press Release

    Press Release

    Supporting Ideas into Reality

    Recognizing the private sector as a critical partner for the growth of our economy. The government has always placed much expectations on the private players to step in for public welfare as we advanced together as a nation. Therefore, it is with pleasure that we introduce the National Credit GuaranteeScheme (NCGS), an initiative that will further empower the private sector’s role in reviving the
    country’s economy

    As a countercyclical policy measure during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the National Credit Guarantee Scheme (NCGS) is launched on October 5th, 2020. The NCGS is an intervention that will ease access to finance, by Government guaranteeing a portion of the loans availed under it.

    Expansion of credit is necessary for investments. However, collateral requirement is a major impediment, in particular, for aspiring entrepreneurs to avail financing. Therefore, the NCGS will alleviate this challenge of aspiring entrepreneurs, especially under the Cottage and Small Industry.
    All loans under the Cottage and Small category will not require collateral and startups under the CSI category will be eligible for 100 percent debt financing under the NCGS.
    Unlike practices across the globe, the medium and large categories will also be eligible for loans under the NCGS. However, under such categories, a portion of guarantee will be shared between the Government and the Bank and the balance will be secured with collateral from the borrower. Therefore, the NCGS has been designed to include all categories of industries, but in a responsive
    and equitable manner.

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